Friday, April 29, 2011


This assignment was to take a photo and simply make it look like a painting. To do so, I applied three filters.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Comic Strip

For this project, we were allowed to work in partners. Annie and I decided that we wanted to make a comic about fruit, so we simply Googled fruit jokes on the web. To create the cartoon effect, we first added a surface blur to the pictures. Next, we added film grain and applied the color halftone effect. After applying the effects, we erased the effects off of ourselves. Last but not least, we liquified my eyes in the last strip, then added all the speech bubbles and arrows.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is a panoramic picture created in photoshop. To make this, all I had to do was choose three different photos taken in the same general area, upload them to photoshop, and merge them together. The panoramic project was probably the easiest that I have done so far this year, seeing that all I had to do was press a button, and the photoshop program did the rest.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chair Art

For this assignment, we were given three different chairs. With each chair, we were asked to find artwork with a certain artist or theme, then take strips of the artists' paintings and use them to create a new fabric cover for each chair. We were also asked to create a shadow each chair by copying and pasting the chair itself, then filling it with black and using the distort tool to make the shadow more realistic.